About Rabbitry

Nestled on 7.5 acres in the quaint town of Deerfield, New Hampshire, Twisted Hollow Homestead sits atop the hill overlooking the street below. There you can find our soap and candle workshop, farm stand, and many chickens, turkeys and ducks. Among the animals located on our farm are our beautiful Creme D'Argents and Silver Fox rabbits.


The Rabbitry

Housed in a large building, our rabbitry consists of 50 rabbit cages, a quarantine area, grow out pens, a grooming station, and rabbit grow out hutches. Each rabbit is housed in their own 30x36 (1080 square inches) wire cage to provide adequate ventilation, proper hygiene and help prevent matting and staining of our rabbit's fur. Grow out hutches ensure that our meat rabbits get more than enough space and additional flora to forage.

Each rabbit is carefully evaluated for body type, fur quality and other characteristics against the ARBA's Standard of Perfection. Rabbits who do not meet the standard are slated for our meat pens while those that do go to show and are offered for sale. This ensures that we are breeding to standard and preserving these American heritage breeds.

We are registered with the NH Agricultural Department under RSA 143:A 14-15 to be able to sell whole uninspected rabbit meat to licensed restaurants across the state. We process our rabbits on farm in our processing area. If you are a restaurant owner looking to add this unique game meat to your menu, please contact Kayla at kayla@twistedhollowhomestead.com for more information.

Twisted Hollow Homestead is a registered rabbitry with the American Rabbit Breeders Association. We are members of the Creme D'Argent Federation and National Silver Fox Rabbit Club.